Showing results 1 to 9 of 23

Duration: 6.5 Hours over 1 days Accreditation : 6 CPD

Availability: In house only – Online & face to face

Costs; Face to face, maximum 16 - £2000 plus vat

Who is this course suitable for?

  • Executive, Commissioning and Service managers supporting service lead.

  • All Executive, Commissioner and Service Leads for investigation investigator roles

  • All Lead investigators conducting patient safety incident investigations.

  • Regulatory bodies

  • Applicable to all domains of healthcare


Oversight Training - A Systems Approach to Learning from Patient Safety Incidents

Oversight Training - A Systems Approach to Learning from Patient Safety Incidents

Duration : 6.5 Hours
Accreditation : 6 CPD

Availability: In house only

Communicating with people who maybe be experiencing some form of personal difficulties and who may be in a situation which is causing them distress has a unique set of challenges which need to be managed to provide a first-rate healthcare service

Management of people who may be in crisis, including those who have suffered recent loss and who are receiving bad news requires a particular skill set to ensure that safety and security are paramount.

This programme enables participants to understand what makes for a good professional relationship, how to deal with potentially difficult situations and diffuse them, and how to take care of themselves.


Having sensitive conversations, managing difficult calls

Having sensitive conversations, managing difficult calls

This is a 7 day programme which can be broken down into separate days if required 

Duration :  6.5 hours per day  

Accreditation : 6 CPD per day 

Who should attend?


All Health Care professionals who want to enhance their skills, extend their role or embark on a new career path. In particular; Practice nurses; District nurses; Nurses running hospital outreach services and any practitioners running profession-led clinics


Course Aims

  • To understand the definition and recognition of long term, chronic conditions.
  • To have an awareness of the NICE Guidelines and the  Quality and Outcomes Framework
  • To understand the impact of long-term conditions on patients, carers and health services.
  •  To understand the links between long term conditions and mental health.
  • To be aware of current treatment and management of chronic conditions

Managing Chronic Conditions

Managing Chronic Conditions

Duration : 13 Hours over 2 days
Accreditation : 12 CPD
Availability: In house only – Online & Face to Face


Copy Infection Prevention and Control Link Practitioner

Copy Infection Prevention and Control Link Practitioner

Duration : 13 Hours over 2 days Accreditation : 12 CPD

Venue: online or face to face 

This course is for anyone who might be involved in conducting investigations in healthcare. The focus of the course is the implementation of the new Patient Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) and has a very practical approach to learn the skills required to undertake a System Based Investigation

The course follows and endorses current NHS Patient Safety Incident Investigation (PSII) guidance and teaches recognised good practice approach(es) to systems based PSIIs and is based around case scenarios and on developing the practical skills required to undertake investigations whilst considering Human Factors and supporting families and staff as well as service users.


Copy Systems Approach to learning from patient safety incidents (PSIRF)

Copy Systems Approach to learning from patient safety incidents (PSIRF)

a One Day introduction to Coaching skills


Introduction to Coaching

Introduction to Coaching

This is a one day course for managers as an Introduction to Leading Sucessful Team

It can be made bespoke to your organisation 


Leading Successful Teams

Leading Successful Teams

This management development programme is designed for managers/potential managers and Team Leaders and is bespoke to your organisation.

The programme is 7 days in total however these can be adjusted to the requirements of the organisation 


Leading Self and Leading Teams

Leading Self and Leading Teams

Customer service and colleague interaction in a healthcare setting has a unique set of challenges specific to providing a first-rate healthcare service and ensuring customer/colleague satisfaction and wellbeing .
Amongst these challenges are such issues as, high volume of calls and emails, and management of people who may be stressed, distressed or in crisis

Furthermore, those staff who work on telephone answering services or through email have the additional challenge of not being able to communicate face to face.
This Excellence in Communication and Customer Service programme enables participants to have an understanding of what makes for a good customer-service/colleague experience, how to deliver excellent service over the telephone and by email, how to support callers who might be stressed or distressed and manage sensitive situations, as well as how to take care of themselves while caring for others


Excellence in Communication and Customer service; empathy, boundaries and best practice

Excellence in Communication and Customer service; empathy, boundaries and best practice