Showing results 1 to 6 of 6

A comprehensive understanding of mindfulness.

Mental Health

Introduction to Mindfulness

Introduction to Mindfulness

Duration : 6.5 Hours

Accreditation : 6 CPD

Availability: In house only – Online & face to face

Costs; Online maximum 12 - £750
Face to face Maximum 10 - £900

Mental Health

Understanding Personality Disorder

Understanding Personality Disorder

Duration: 6.5 hours

Accreditation: 6 CPD

Mental Health

Mental Capacity Act 2005 and LPS Competency - Staff Group A

Mental Capacity Act 2005 and LPS Competency - Staff Group A

Mental Capacity Act 2005 and LPS Competency Group B Identification & Referral Liberty Protection Safeguards Training
Framework 2022 - Full Day 0930-1600
Duration: 6.5 hours Accreditation: 6 CPD

Costs for in-house courses
Online; maximum 12 - £750
Face to face Maximum 16 - £900

Mental Health

Mental Capacity Act for Managers (Staff Group B)

Mental Capacity Act for Managers (Staff Group B)

Perinatal mental health (PMH) problems are those which occur during pregnancy or in the first year following the birth of a child. Perinatal mental illness affects up to 20% of new and expectant mums and covers a wide range of conditions.

If left untreated, mental health issues can have significant and long-lasting effects on the woman, the child, and the wider family. NHS

This course covers recognising, assessing and treating mental health problems in women who are planning pregnancy, are pregnant or have had a baby in the past year. It covers the common perinatal mental health conditions as well as treatment and management options   

Mental Health

Perinatal Mental Health

Perinatal Mental Health

Each year approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health condition and at least 1 in 6 employees experience common mental health problems in the workplace. Research has shown that work is the biggest cause of stress which can stop people performing at their best.

Mental health conditions are often hidden due to stigma and fear of discrimination and research has shown that a culture of fear and silence around mental health is costly to employers. The HSE guidance 'First aid needs assessment’ refers to mental health in the workplace.

This 6-hour qualification provides learners with the knowledge to recognise a range of mental health conditions, how to start a supportive conversation and when and how to signpost a person to seek appropriate professional help. Learners will know how to recognise and manage stress and understand the impact of substance abuse. They will learn about the first aid action plan for mental health, be able to put it in place and know how to implement a positive mental health culture in the workplace.

Learners will not diagnose or treat mental health conditions as this can only be carried out by healthcare professionals but will gain the knowledge to identify when a person may have a condition and know where they can go to get help.

This Course is run through NUCO and is an FAA Level 2 Award 

Mental Health