This an Intensive programme providing an overview of the following topics including management and treatment options
Day 1 Cardiac Conditions
- Brief overview of managing chronic (long term) conditions
- Overview of cardiac, circulatory and conduction systems
- Identification and management of ischemic heart disease and Heart failure
- Identification and management of hypertension
- Identification and management of atrial fibrillation
Day 2 Respiratory conditions
- Overview of the respiratory system
- Identification and management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Identification and management of Asthma
- Overview of Cystic fibrosis and management options
Day 3 Endocrinological conditions
- To explore Diabetes and associated risk factors
- Discuss the types of Diabetes
- Signs, Symptoms and Treatments
- Explore the risk factors in developing the condition
- An overview of the complications of Diabetes
- To discuss basic thyroid physiology
- To know the common causes of hypo and hyperthyroidism
- To recognise the signs and symptoms associated with hypo and hyperthyroidism
- To know the management for hypo and hyperthyroidism
- Important complications associated with these
- An overview of pituitary disorders and adrenal conditions
- Share a very brief overview of obesity and weight loss strategies (including data).
- Sign post the reader to additional information with regards to the individual strategies including medications available.
- Sign post the reader to important documents prior to the assessment of this short course.
- Explore some of the cautions and side effects of medications.
Day 4 Neurological conditions
- Explore what is epilepsy and who may have epilepsy
- Causes of epilepsy and how they present
- What is a seizure and are all epileptic in origin
- The impact epilepsy can have on a person’s life
- Relate to the patients / clients you are caring for and the care required day to day and in first aid/emergency situations
- We will not be covering in detail non-epileptic seizures
- Describe the disease, identify risk factors and signs and symptoms associated with Stroke.
- Define the current therapeutic management of acute Stroke and secondary prevention measures.
- Identify pharmaceutical care issues and respond to symptoms in patient scenarios and identify appropriate management solutions.
- Overview of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, motor-neurone disease including treatment options
Day 5 Kidney Disease and some common cancers
- Explore in brief acute and chronic kidney disease
- Causes of AKD and CKD may and how they present
- Discuss some treatments
- Relate to the patients / clients you are caring for and the care required day to day and in first aid/emergency situations
- Explore some forms of cancer:
o Incidence
o Signs and symptoms
o Treatments
for common cancers
Day 6 Frailty / Obesity and Musculoskeletal disorders:
- Frailty
- Obesity
- Multimorbidity
- Impact of frailty
- Assessment and management strategies
- Musculoskeletal disorders:
- Explain what we mean by Rheumatoid, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
- Describe the common signs and symptoms
- Define the current therapeutic management for the alleviation of symptoms and for modifying disease progression.
- Link treatments and Lifestyle Interventions to alleviate the conditions
- Briefly discuss the connection between Rheumatoid Arthritis and osteoporosis
Optional Day 7 - Managing long term mental health Conditions
What is Mental health/mental distress/mental illness?
Identifying factors that can affect a person’s mental health
The continuum of health and challenging stigma
Understanding and Managing stress
Signs, symptoms and mental health first aid:
- Anxiety Disorders
- Depression and bipolar disorder
- Suicide prevention
- Psychosis
- Personality Disorders
- Self-harm
- Eating Disorders
- Dementia
Improving our Mental Wellness and Resilience