Infant Basic Life Support

A two hour session to. cover BLS from 0-12 months 

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Infant Basic Life Support

Accredited by:CPD

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Course outcomes
The learner will:
Level 1
a. be able to recognise cardiorespiratory arrest
b. know how to summon immediate emergency help in accordance with local protocols
c.  be able to start CPR using chest compressions
d. be able to locate and operate an AED

Level 2 – Paediatric infant  Basic Life Support (Level 1 outcomes plus the following) 
The learner will: 
a) understand national guidelines and local Resuscitation policies and procedures 
b) know how to recognise and respond to patients with clinical deterioration or cardiorespiratory arrest,
escalating  care in accordance with local policy 
c) be able to initiate an appropriate emergency response, which may include management of choking and
the use  of the recovery position, in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines 
d) be able to provide basic airway management i.e. ensure an open airway 
e) be able to initiate and maintain effective lung ventilations in accordance with current Resuscitation
Council UK  guidelines 
f) be able to initiate and maintain effective chest compressions in accordance with current Resuscitation
Council  UK guidelines 
g) understand their individual role and responsibilities in responding to persons in emergency situations 
h) understand their individual responsibilities in reporting and recording details of an emergency event
i) understand the importance of undertaking any resuscitation interventions within the limits of their
personal capabilities and context of any previous training received 
j) know how they should apply the local Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Policy /
anticipatory care  decision within clinical context.