This course provides an intensive practice-based learning opportunity for those staff who are responsible for ensuring Infection Prevention & Control Standards are maintained within an organisation
The course is very interactive and is delivered by an experienced professional with a background in IPC and Public Health.
It covers both the skills and knowledge required both for the role of IPC Link Practitioner and also the evidence based
knowledge to maintain the highest levels of Infection Prevention and Control
The course can be delivered both face to face or online via Zoom
The focus of the course is on the role of the Link Practitioner and the skills required to undertake the role.
Day One
Course outline and introduction to the course aims and objectives
Background to the role
Current Legislation and regulation for UK (including the IPC manuals)
Role of the IP & C Link Practitioner
Setting the scene: IP&C in the healthcare organisation
The importance of communication
The role of inspection and regulation in IPC
Risk Factors and management in the workplace
An introduction to microbiology
Transmission of microorganisms and the chain of infection
Standard infection control practice –Introduction to infection control principles and practice
Standard infection control precautions and Transmission based precautions (TBPs)
• Sharps prevention/management
• Waste / linen management
• Decontamination of environment
• Specimen collection
• Staff health
• Management of medical devices
• Asepsis
• Essential elements of hand hygiene including practical
Transmission based precautions (TBPs)
• Staff Cohorting
• Visitors
• PPE including Filtering face piece (class 3) (FFP3) respirators
• Decontamination of Equipment and environment
• Handling dead bodies
Questions and feedback for day one
Day Two
Clinical practice in health care
Managing Infections
Managing an outbreak -roles and responsibilities
Epidemiology - Notifiable diseases including more in depth analysis of:-
Clostridium Difficile
Monkey pox
Infection control audit and the role of the IP&CLP
Audit tools
Undertaking an infection control audit
The Importance of Monitoring and Surveillance
Resources to support the role
The course is a CPD accredited with 12 CPD points